=) Hi Troy…
> Email #7
Xeque and Paul here…
You mentioned that you were soon going to the grocery store… (maybe this message is too late before you left to go there, but…)
Here are some perspectives, advice, and comments regarding Food Selections and Grocery Store Suggestions to consider… and these perspectives are particularly “aimed towards your Initial Start into Your Particular Regeneration Process”.
Meaning… that some food selections that we suggest that you ‘hold off on acquiring for now”, is just temporary… and later on, after weeks or months, and even depending upon what cravings you may experience over a time period (listening to your cells), will always influence which food selection varieties would be added-in later on. (or… in other scenarios, even withdrawn from consuming them, altogether).
==> “Temporary”… is a key term, regarding your entire Sustenance Selection. =)
At Your Start Into MS Regeneration:
…(especially “if” you only go grocery shopping once a week, and “if” you only want to make one trip per week, and “if” you are trying to budget your available funds)… then…
>> ALWAYS ATTEMPT TO ACQUIRE ORGANIC GROWN Fruit choices with Everything… the Organic grown fruits will have Natural Food Based Copper contained within them… BUT… the Conventional grown fruits will be more depleted, or Completely Lacking, in natural copper… that is because the pesticide/herbicide/fungicide chemical processes that are applied to conventional foods, will Block The Uptake of natural copper into all plants that those chemicals are applied to. And… everyone really Needs Natural Food Based Copper in order to acquire optimal metabolic health and metabolic conversions. (The Metal Copper Form is NOT Compatible to the human metabolism.)
If Conventional fruits are all that is available of any particular fruit type, then either: just avoid buying it, or go somewhere else who has organic, or just settle for it and peel certain fruits… and… hope to try to get “some” natural copper from raw egg yolks instead, hopefully). BUT…
Just Try your best to always buy Organic grown foods. =)
>> Acquire: MANY Bags of Organic Apples. (like try 8 big bags at first.. and apples keep fine for awhile, so they will not spoil easily)
(From the limitation of apple varieties that are available within grocery stores, we have preferred: “Fuji, and Gala” as the more affordable and tasty affordable apples… and Pink Lady seems a little more expensive, but They Are quite Yummy. And… Granny Smith and Red Delicious give The LEAST FLAVOR and Least enjoyment in our opinion.)
>> Acquire: Multiple Bags of Organic Oranges, Mandarins, and/or Clementine’s… or whatever you prefer of any of them, or a mix of all of the orange types out there, maybe just to see what you prefer at first. (like try 5 bags of any orange varieties at first… don’t forget, you can Juice them too… Yummm)
>> Acquire: Organic Grown Berries… Organic Strawberries, Organic Blueberries, Organic Raspberries, Organic Blackberries, etc… (raw berries have a lower shelf life time, but… it is easy to eat an entire container of berries in one sitting… yummm)… so… we’ll leave that up to you to decide quantity.
>> Ripe Organic Pears are fine… but… they don’t juice well… so just eat them whole, “if” you like pears.
>> Frozen ORGANIC Fruit in the Freezer Section… is a good option to put into your Raw Simple Fruit-Only Smoothies, in a quick pinch. Frozen Organic Mango Chunks, Frozen Organic Blueberries, Frozen Organic Strawberries, Frozen Organic Raspberries (Wegmans has a good selection and price on frozen fruit, we feel.) A few bags of each can be helpful to have on hand… and they last as long as your freezer lasts).
>> There is sometimes “RAW Organic Coconut Water” (in plastic bottles), called “Harmless Harvest RAW Organic Coconut Water” in the Refrigeration Section of Wegmans. (they are not cheap, but… Health Is Wealth) =) (the coconut water found in All Other Containers in grocery stores, are Pasteurized, so that they have a shelf life… so… Don’t drink Pasteurized coconut water, you are merely wasting your money and your health.)
>> Consider… Organic Raw Dried Figs and/or Organic Raw Dried Dates (THAT ARE NOT SULFURED, which Sulfites are used as a preservative), (NO Sulfites, sulfites are non-compatible for the human metabolism)… Organic Raw Dried Figs and/or Organic Raw Dried Dates are good to have around for adding to Raw Apple Sauce, which can be blended up in your high speed blender… Yummmmm. =)
>> Organic Ceylon Cinnamon is yummy to add to Raw Applesauce too, as an added delicacy treat. Average cinnamon is actually a digestive irritant. Only consume “Ceylon Cinnamon”, if you enjoy the cinnamon flavor. (Wegmans has Ceylon Cinnamon in their bulk herb section.)
>> You “could” get a raw Papaya, but… you will have to wait a while for it to ripen. Which, is no big deal… just have patience is fine. Papaya Seeds have helpful Anti-Parasitic qualities. (they are a little bitter) But… Eating “some” papaya seeds with a Ripe papaya is the best way to eat the seeds too.
>> Hold Off On: Bananas
>> Don’t Bother with Pineapple… because they are All picked Too Unripe… and Unripe pineapples have enzymes (bromelain) that break down proteins… and… that is Not to anyone’s advantage, including You during regeneration. (Sadly… Only eat pineapple when you go to the tropics, and when you can eat a plant ripened pineapple, straight from the plant.) We live without pineapple.
>> Kiwis are often picked too unripe too… but, it depends on whether they come from the US (where they “may” be riper), or from farther away (out of the country). .We just live without kiwis too.
>> Hold Off On: Avocados and Olives, just for now.
>> Hold Off On: All FATS, basically for now.
>> You will certainly NOT BE EATING ANY OILS (this is a topic to go more in-depth with at a later time… because there are very specific conditions to consider here for a far later time, aimed well after your regeneration). =)
This is all that we can think of at the moment. There is probably things that we missed… but…
Happy Shopping to You. =)